Thursday 15 September 2016

Common Fertility Tests that can Help Eradicate Infertility Issues

Infertility is a very common issue which is not only limited too the women folk but men too are victims of infertility. Just as the happiness of motherhood knows no bounds similarly the pangs of miscarriages is also painful. There are many cases where couples have tried having unprotected sex during the unsafe period for two consecutive years but with negative results. This is the right time when you should probably make an appointment with a reproductive endocrinologist or a fertility expert who will advise you on the usages and effects of beneficial fertility tests and evaluation.

Though initially couples might find it little embarrassing to go through fertility evaluations and techniques but by a vigilant research and making new fertility friends in reputed online forums and blogs you can surely give it a try. At London’s astute fertility clinics various types of tests are arranged by reputed doctors, who have held an esteemed position in curbing fertility challenges. Here are some of the beneficial fertility tests London can boast of:

Fertility Tests London

Endometrial Biopsy:

The endometrial layer is the uterine lining that sheds every month when you have your monthly periods. This type of test is very common and simple which can be performed in a doctor’s personal chamber. What happens here is that the doctor will collect a sample of your endometrium from where he will gather information about your progesterone levels, follicular maturation and ovulation status.

Ovarian Reserve Test:

A female must produce sufficient amount of eggs to become pregnant as well as healthy follicles where the eggs can be nurtured and released properly. If an ovarian reserve is less potential than your fertility expert may recommend for a CCCT challenge or Clomiphene Citrate Challenge Test where blood samples are collected to understand the functionality of the ovaries.

Semen Analysis:

According to a recent study, it was seen that 30% of fertility challenges arise due to females another 30% due to males and remaining 40% is accredited to both the counterparts. Semen analysis is an effective test, which is done to understand the sperm counts in males and sperm morphology.

Hormone Analysis:

Very often hormonal imbalances are the main reason for women not getting pregnant even after having unprotected sexual intercourse at the right time. In hormone analysis, female blood samples are taken to determine whether she is suffering from an hormonal disorder or not because fertility depends a lot upon hormonal balance and stability.


By now you must have had an idea about the fact that the sperm enters through the cervix and meet at the fallopian tube for fertilization. Now what happens when your fallopian tubes are blocked? The sperms cannot enter and meet the eggs. Hysterosalpingogram (HCG) is an effective X ray Fertility test which is conducted to evaluate whether your fallopian tubes are blocked or not as well as you have any uterine abnormalities, scar tissue etc.


Another effective fertility test that is done by a specialist by inserting a thin fiber optic telescope through the cervix into the uterus to understand whether the female is suffering from any uterine conditions, fibroids, scar tissues etc.

Saline Hysterogram:

This is a very methodical and positive fertility test, which is done by injecting saline into your cervix and uterus to observe the uterus walls. This evaluation is very effective, as it will reveal the presence of any polyps, fibroids or any other growths in the uterine walls.

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