Several medical research and studies suggest that acupuncture has some positive effects on couples undergoing IVF or In-Vitro Fertilization. However, it’s still not clear whether the procedure can help in improving the fertility part in general. There are a certain smaller group of medical studies that clearly indicates promising results, still, much more research work is required before coming to conclusion as to whether this traditional Chinese treatment procedure can help you in becoming pregnant or not.
Causes of infertility
· Hormonal imbalance
· Incapable of producing mature eggs
· Low sperm count in males
· Chronic Abdominal Diseases
· Physical damage to ovaries
· Follicle Dysfunction
· Ectopic Pregnancy
· Premature Menopause
· Endometriosis
· Previous Pelvic or Abdominal Surgeries
How does acupuncture work?
Acupuncturists try to restore health and balance the energy by stimulating certain points on the skin through thin and long needles. The mechanism is said to be prevalent in China and other Asian countries some since the last 5,000 years but it has gained prominence in the American and European community only in the last few decades.
IVF acupuncture Wokingham has proved to be beneficial for pregnancy. Researchers have speculated the fact that the procedure helped a lot in increasing the flow of blood to uterus while trying to relax the muscle tissues and providing the embryos a better chance to get implanted.
Improve in male sperm count rate
Researchers also suggest that acupuncture procedure does help in improving the sperm count in the males. Regular treatments of fertility acupuncture Wokingham would result in significantly improving the sperm counts and the motility rate among the males. However, to be truly effective, the treatment must be able to increase the sperm count of a man over a threshold needed for the conception, i.e. minimum of 10-12 million moving sperm upon every ejaculation!
Researchers have also suggested the fact that acupuncture plays an effective role in reducing the stress factor from the patients. Too much stress can result in having a negative impact on pregnancy. Reducing the stress factor through acupuncture helps a lot in improving the conceiving rate.
Thank you for sharing this and yes I agree with you that acupuncture plays an effective role in reducing the stress factor from the patients. I'm proud to say with the help of miami acupuncture I will be a mom soon.